; these consonants undergo automatic sunna generation
; row 1
("k" "క్")
("kh" "ఖ్")
("kH" "ఖ్")
("K" "ఖ్")
("Kh" "ఖ్")
("KH" "ఖ్")
("g" "గ్")
("gh" "ఘ్")
("gH" "ఘ్")
("G" "ఘ్")
("Gh" "ఘ్")
("GH" "ఘ్")
; row 2
("c" "చ్")
("ch" "చ్")
("cH" "చ్")
("~c" "�") ; త్స (tsa) allophone of చ (cha)
("C" "ఛ్")
("Ch" "ఛ్")
("CH" "ఛ్")
("c'" "ఛ్") ; from RIT 2.0, 3.0
("j" "జ్")
("z" "జ్") ; from RIT 3.0
("~j" "�") ; డ్జ (dza) allophone of జ (ja)
("jh" "ఝ్")
("jH" "ఝ్")
("J" "ఝ్")
("Jh" "ఝ్")
("JH" "ఝ్")
; row 3
("T" "ట్")
("t'" "ట్")
("Th" "ఠ్")
("TH" "ఠ్")
("th'" "ఠ్")
("tH'" "ఠ్")
("D" "డ్")
("d'" "డ్")
("Dh" "ఢ్")
("DH" "ఢ్")
("dh'" "ఢ్")
("dH'" "ఢ్")
; row 4
("t" "త్")
("th" "థ్")
("tH" "థ్")
("d" "ద్")
("dh" "ధ్")
("dH" "ధ్")
; row 5
("p" "ప్")
("f" "ఫ్")
("P" "ఫ్")
("ph" "ఫ్")
("pH" "ఫ్")
("Ph" "ఫ్")
("PH" "ఫ్")
("b" "బ్")
("bh" "భ్")
("bH" "భ్")
("B" "భ్")
("Bh" "భ్")
("BH" "భ్")
; row 6
("l" "ల్")
("v" "వ్")
("V" "వ్") ; from RIT 3.0
("w" "వ్")
("W" "వ్") ; from RIT 3.0
("S" "శ్")
("s'" "శ్") ; from RIT 2.0, 3.0
("s" "స్")
("x" "క్ష్")
("ksh" "క్ష్")
("ksH" "క్ష్")
("ks" "క్స్") ; workaround for inputting "క్స్"
; misc. compounds
("dd'" "డ్డ్") ; from RIT 3.0
("dd" "ద్ద్")
("tt'" "ట్ట్") ; from RIT 3.0
("tt" "త్త్")
("jn" "జ్ఞ్")
; these consonants do NOT undergo automatic sunna generation
("~m" "ఙ్")
("~n" "ఞ్")
("N" "ణ్")
("nh" "ణ్")
("nH" "ణ్")
("n'" "ణ్") ; from RIT 2.0, 3.0
("n&" "న్")
("m&" "మ్")
("y" "య్")
("r" "ర్")
("sh" "ష్")
("sH" "ష్")
("Sh" "ష్") ; from RIT 3.0
("SH" "ష్") ; from RIT 3.0
("h" "హ్")
("H" "హ్")
("L" "ళ్")
("lh" "ళ్")
("lH" "ళ్")
("Lh" "ళ్")
("LH" "ళ్")
("l'" "ళ్") ; from RIT 2.0, 3.0
("~r" "ఱ్")
("r''" "ఱ్") ; from RIT 2.0, 3.0
; these consonants are converted into sunna by the automatic sunna generation logic, if they appear inside a word
("n" "న్")
("m" "మ్")
; these sequences are converted into sunna by the automatic sunna generation logic, if they appear at the end of a word
((m Tab) "ం ")
((m Return) "ం")
; the sequences below, using punctuation marks to denote the end of a word, are generated by the following shell command. keys in [1] the (starter) block, [2] the (independent) block, and [3] those which begin with the 'm' key are intentionally excluded from this command to ensure that they are transliterated normally.
("M" "ం") ; from "internal representation" section of RTS. This combination has been included because it is very widely used in RTS implementations which do not support automatic sunna generation and thus has become the defacto way of manually producing sunna.